Post #20 My top 5 animal adjectives

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet! We made it to post #20!

Also, after my most recent post, I passed 500 total page views for EQQ!

My most popular post among all my previous posts was post #7 My top 5 collective nouns for groups of animals (, so, in an effort to rekindle some of that popularity, I have decided to make another animal-based post.

    1. Porcine-of or relating to swine, hoggish; piggish

This adjective comes in handy if your want to deliver a good dis while also sounding sophisticated (be sure to properly pronounce the soft C for maximum sophisticated airs).

    2. Vulpine-of or relating to a fox, cunning or crafty

I think of this adjective as generally complimentary, if in a slightly mischievous way. I wouldn't mind being described as having a vulpine manner.

    3. Ovine-pertaining to, of the nature of, or like sheep

We all know those people who follow the crowd, often blindly. Now you've got a cool-sounding adjective to describe them.

    4. Lupine-of, like, or relating to a wolf or wolves

This adjective is best used to describe a predatory grin.

    5. Accipitrine-raptorial; like or related to the birds of prey

I'm not really sure in what context this adjective would be used, but it sounds cool to say it.


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