Post #17 My top 5 Disney-based NBA team names

Welcome back to Elliott-s Quarantine Quintet!

The plan for the National Basketball Association to play an abridged remainder of the season and playoffs at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orland by Disney World combines two of my favorite things: basketball and Disney.

I probably had more fun creating this quintet than I have with any other EQQ blog post so far.

    1. Chicago Belles

The princess from Beauty and the Beast is one of the top Disney princesses all-time in my humble opinion. Fans would start wearing long orange-yellow dinner gowns to show their devotion to the team. Plus, Benny the Bull can stay on and play the role of Beast.

    2. Oklahoma City Thumper

The rabbit who close friend of Bambi's was one of my favorite Disney characters as a young child. What team wouldn't want to thump their opponents?

    3. Atlanta Hooks

I can't imagine that Captain Hook was a very good basketball player. I imagine it's hard to shoot a jumper with a hook for one of your hands. The hook would also probably stab the basketball often, causing it to deflate, which I imagine would not make him very popular among his teammates. So be sure to keep him off the court and away from the ball.

    4. Detroit Gastons

No one dribbles like the Gastons. No one shoots like the Gastons. The braggadocios villain from Beauty and the Beast certainly has big muscles (a result of him eating four dozen eggs a day when he was young and eating five dozen eggs now that he's grown up), which would certainly be advantageous. And the Belles and the Gastons can have a big rivalry!

    5. Phoenix Svens

Yes, it is quite hot in Orlando over the summer, so I'm not sure how well the reindeer from Frozen would fare. Imagine the merchandising opportunities though; I'm not sure how many Go the Gorilla stuffed animals people would buy.

I'm not particularly good at digital graphic design, but, if one of you is, these mascots would be cool to see.


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