Post #7 My top 5 collective nouns for groups of animals

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet! I don’t know who gets to come up with these terms and who gets to decide what they are, but there are some pretty awesome collective nouns for a groups of animals.

     1. A murder of crows

This group sounds both cool and tough.     2. A conspiracy of lemurs

Lemurs always look like they’re up to something.     3. A consortium of crabs

I like the idea of crabs sidling along but saying in a snobby, British accent, “We’re a consortium.”     4. A pride of lions

It is only fitting that the kings of the jungle get a majestic name.     5. A flamboyance of flamingos

They’re pink, have skinny legs and are often preening themselves, so this name seems fitting.

I’m looking for suggestions. What should the collective noun be for a group of journalists?


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