Post #21 My top 5 fictional elements

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet! We've made it seven weeks, folks!

I know that not all of these are elements by a scientific definition, but it's my blog, so I get to do what I want.

    1. Vibranium

This metal that is mined only in Wakanda contains the ability to control and manipulate energy, which is why Wakanda is such an advanced, powerful country. It's fun to imagine to power that would come with obtaining some Vibranium.

    2. Adamantium

This metal from the Marvel Cinematic Universe - whose best-known use is in Wolverine's claws - is indestructible. So any weapon made out of Adamantium would be indestructible also. If only my car's bumper was made out of Adamantium. :) 

    3. Mithril

This metal from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth was mined by the dwarves in Khazad-dum. It is stronger than steel but extremely lightweight. The potential uses of Mithril could span from weapons to construction to jewelry (it's also shiny).

    4. Dilithium

I'm not sure about the chemical structure or properties of this element from the Star Trek Universe, but I gather that, in crystal form, it creates the ability to travel faster than light. I believe that a proper spaceship and reactor are necessary for faster-than-light travel, which does lessen the usefulness of Dilithium on its own.

    5. Kyber Crystals

My knowledge of this form of matter is somewhat limited, but I do know that it what Jedi use to make the core of their lightsabers. I believe that Kyber Crystals are force-sensitive (and perhaps semi-sentient). Like Dilithium, I'm not sure how much good Kyber Crystals are on their own.

What cool fictional elements am I missing?


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