Post #22 My top 5 movie masks

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet!

I'm starting my eighth week of this blog. Honestly, when I started it by saying that I would keep it up as long as the COVID-19 pandemic lasted, I was hoping that it would be over, or at least much smaller, at this point.

One of the easiest and most effective things that we can all do to combat the pandemic is to wear a mask whenever we leave our house, so, on that theme, here are my top 5 fictional masks.

For me, a great mask is iconic, instantly recognizable and strongly associated with the character who wears it and evokes strong thoughts and/or feelings. 

    1. Darth Vader mask

It is clearly the best mask in all of fiction/pop culture, and I would have an issue with anybody that did not rank it #1. Vader's mask is not only an extremely cool-looking mask, but it is an essential part of his character (and his life, seeing as how he needs it to breathe).

    2. Phantom of the Opera mask

This mask gives off a strong air of elegance mixed with mystery. The character supposedly wears the mask to hide the part of his face that is disfigured, and the fact that we can see part of his face while the other part is behind the mask adds to the mystery and intrigue of the character.

    3. Batman mask

I could have easily made a list of my top 5 superhero masks (and may yet resort to doing so if the COVID-19 pandemic lasts long enough), but, in an effort to provide variety, the Batman mask is the only superhero mask that will grace this quintet. I'm sure my perception of this masked is heavily influenced by the many great actors who have portrayed the Caped Crusader. Its blackness, its open mouth area and its pointed ears are among the reasons why it is my top superhero mask.

    4. Jason mask (from Friday the 13th)

The hockey goalies in the old photos/videos already looked pretty scary, so that same type of mask on an undead crazy serial killer creates quite the fright. I have not seen Friday the 13th or any off its offshoots; I am not a fan of horror movies, but, from what I can gather, Jason stole the hockey mask off of his first victim and, like the Phantom of the Opera, uses it to cover a deformed face.

    5. Westley mask (from The Princess Bride)

He says that he only wears the mask because it's comfortable. It really doesn't serve any other purpose, but it makes him look cool and stealthy. Though I can't help but notice that Westley' mask bears a striking resemblance to the masks worn by The Lone Ranger and by Zorro.

To make this abundantly clear, this post has nothing at all to.  do with the TV show "The Masked Singer," which I have never watched and do not plan to ever watch.

If you leave your house, wear a mask!!!


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