Post #28 My top 5 portmanteaus

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet!

We are beginning Week 10 of EQQ.

A portmanteau is "a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others." Such words come in handy when trying to convey an idea that no one word totally captures.

1. Brunch (breakfast and lunch)

When you eat a meal at 11 in the morning, it's not really breakfast, and it's not really lunch. That's where this term comes in handy. Brunch is probably the portmanteau that I (and most people) use most often.

2. Spork (spoon and fork)

I'm a bit surprised that this utensil - which combines the uses of two utensils into one - is not more widely used. I am ready to join the movement to mainstream the spork. 

3. Bionic (biology and electronic)

The use of technology to enhance human bodies is an age-old idea, and, with recent technological improvements, as well as those to come in the near future, I think we will soon see a greatly increased use of bionics.

4. Tween (between and teen) 

11-year-olds and 12-year-olds are not technically teenagers, but nor are they really children. Being a tween really is its own phase. 

5. Jorts (jeans and shorts)

This happens to be a fashion item that I am not a big fan of. I think it looks weird. I think jeans look good, and shorts look good, and this is one of countless examples of the idea that combining two good things does not necessarily make a better thing.

What are your favorite portmaneaus?


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