Post #9 My top 5 historical epithets

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I don’t know who assigns epithets, but, whoever it is has a lot of power (and with great power comes great responsibility). Something as seemingly simple as an epithet has an enormous effect on how a historical figure is remembered centuries or millennia later.

There are plenty of ‘the Greats’ (Alexander, Constantine, Alfred, Peter, Catherine, etc.). While being remembered as great is certainly not a bad way to be remembered, it is quite vague and doesn’t really tell me anything about you.     1. Suleyman I a.k.a. Suleyman the Magnificent

I don’t know much, or, really, anything about this 16th century Ottoman sultan. But his epithet tells me all I need to know about him; he was magnificent.     2. William I a.k.a. William the Conqueror

This Norman’s conquest of England was certainly a history-altering event, so it is appropriate that he be remembered for all posterity as a conqueror.     3. Leo VI a.k.a Leo the Wise

I know nothing about this late ninth/early 10th century Byzantine emperor. For people like that who are so little remembered, an epithet becomes all the more influential. If people are only going to know one thing about you, having that be the fact that you were wise is a solid way to be remembered.     4. Richard I a.k.a Richard the Lionheart

In addition to it being a great way to be known to history, I like the poetic nature of this 12th century English King. He’s not just ‘the Brave’ or ‘the Bold;’ he’s the Lionheart!      5. Charles III a.k.a Charles the Fat

I like this epithet simply because of how unfortunate it is. I bet this ninth century Carolingian emperor and great-grandson of Charlemagne won some battles and did some great things for the empire. Nevertheless, the defining characteristic he is remembered for is being fat.

By what unique epithet would you like to be known?


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