Post #5 My top 5 Harry Potter names

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet!


One of the many wonderful things about the Harry Potter saga is all the cool names that characters have. It’s also cool how the etymology of many of the names relate to the person’s character traits (though that may be a subject for another Quarantine Quintet).

Frankly, this list could go on extensively, but here are my top five.


    1. Filius Flitwick

There is not a more fun name to say than that of the vertically challenged Charms Master who happens to also conduct the Hogwarts choir.     2. Xenophilius Lovegood

I don’t remember him playing much of a role in the Harry Potter story beyond being Luna’s father. Nevertheless, how can you not dig a guy named Xenophilius?     3. Fleur Delacour

The Triwizard champion from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic performed admirably in the competition, but it’s the rhyming first and last names that makes her name fun.     4. Quirinus Quirrell

Since he was the first Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher during Harry Potter’s time at Hogwarts, Quirrell can be excused for not realizing that it is a position that does not come with much job security. He was certainly an odd character, but the alliterative name is pretty cool.     5. Godric Gryffindor

To be honest, I probably could have chosen any of the four founders of Hogwarts. They all have alliterative first and last names and all have cool first names (well, maybe not Helga Hufflepuff). But I like Godric the most out of all the first names. Plus, I may have been influenced by the fact that all the main protagonists are part of Gryffindor House.

"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" Never tickle a sleeping dragon - Hogwarts motto

What are your favorite Harry Potter names?


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