Post #4 My top 5 United States mottos

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet!

Is it true that when you say something in Latin or Greek you automatically sound much cooler?

    1. Esse quam videri, to be rather than to seem (North Carolina)

This quote, which is attributed to the great Latin orator Cicero is all about keeping things real. I try not to be a poser, and I like when other people don’t try to be posers. Also, Latin mottos remind me of my six years of Latin in middle and high school, good times!     2, Dum spiro, spero, while I breathe, I hope (South Carolina)

It is just a coincidence that my top two state mottos happen to come from the Carolinas. Yet I really like the optimism of this Latin motto. Remind yourself of this when you feel like giving up. Also, the alliteration makes it fun to say.     3. Live Free or Die (New Hampshire)

Despite the fact that New Hampshire’s state motto has been co-opted by a certain movie franchise, I think it perfectly captures the American bravado and ideals of individualism and determination. Some degree of freedom is always sacrificed to be a part of a civil society, but this motto reminds us that we don’t like people telling us what to do.     4. Excelsior, higher (New York)

I like the simplicity of one-word mottos. Yet, despite its simplicity, I find this Latin comparative adjective - sometimes translated as ever upwards - powerful. For this word captures the idea of constantly striving for improvement.     5. Eureka, I have found it (California)

Another simple yet powerful one-word motto, the (likely apocryphal) story goes that the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes shouted ‘Eureka!’ and jumped out of his bathtub and ran through the streets of Syracuse naked after realizing the eponymous principle of buoyancy. With California it refers to the discovery of gold that kicked off the gold rush of the mid-19th century. I must remember this word for the moment when I make my history-changing discovery. E pluribus unum, out of many one - United States motto What motto - in any language - can you think or make up that sounds the coolest?


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