Post #26 My top 5 names of orchestra instruments

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet!

I have not had the time to look into the etymology behind the names of the instruments that made this quintet.

    1. Glockenspiel

This percussion instrument - which is basically a xylophone except with bars made out of metal instead of wood - gains the top ranking in the quintet by a mile. I dare you not to enjoy saying its name.

    2. Piccolo

I grew up watching Dragon Ball and was quite the fan back in my day. I cannot hear the name of this woodwind instrument - which is essentially a miniature flute - without picturing the green character from Dragon Ball.

    3. Tam-tam

There's just something cool about words that feature repeating syllables, which is earns this percussion instrument - basically a large gong (who knew there were different types of gongs?) - the third spot on this quintet.

    4. Double bassoon

I suppose one could play its smaller orchestral woodwind cousin, the bassoon, but it sounds so much cooler to be playing the double bassoon. A double anything makes it sound more intense.

    5. Harpsichord

This instrument just sounds sophisticated. While I had heard of this instrument, I had to look it up to see what it looks like. To the untrained eye (i.e. me), it looks just like a piano. The main difference - from what I can gather - is that hitting the keys results in the strings being plucked (rather than struck like a piano), resulting in a different type of sound, which I would describe as more twangy. 

I have decided to start taking suggestions. What is a quintet that you would like to see?


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