Post #27 My top 5 names for the summer of 2020

Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet!

The summer of 1969 is sometimes referred to as "the Summer of Love," which got me thinking about what the summer of 2020 might be referred to one day.

    1. The Summer of Isolation

With social gatherings either discouraged or forbidden, we are missing out on customary (and much needed) social interactions. For me at least, there has been a strong recurring feeling of loneliness.

    2. The Summer of Despair

COVID-19 has caused massive amounts of illness and death as well as job losses and other strains on life.

    3. The Lost Summer

Many summer camps, parks and swimming pools are closed. Large backyard gatherings such as barbecues are strongly discouraged. There will be no baseball for at least the first half of the summer. Basically, the summer of 2020 hasn't had many of the hallmarks of summer.

    4. The Summer that Changed Everything

While I do believe that a COVD-19 vaccine or at least some sort of medical treatment for the virus is on the not too distant horizon, I think there is a sincere possibility that the current pandemic will have long-lasting effects on our social habits and the way we live our lives.

    5. The Summer of Miracles

We are less than a month into the official summer season, and I can't help but hold out, against all odds, hope that a major medical breakthrough will be found or something else will cause the end of the pandemic before the end of the summer of 2020.  

Do you have any ideas of what the summer of 2020 might be known as?


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