Post #30 My top 5 SAT COVID-19 adjectives
Welcome back to Elliott's Quarantine Quintet! This will be my final EQQ post. For ten weeks, I have fulfilled my initial goal of posting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (except for this one, which is coming late). Now I will dedicate that time to other (as yet to be determined) creative pursuits. Today's post is in the same vein as Post #10 My top 5 SAT COVID-19 nouns ( ), and the same caveat exists. I do not know if any of these adjectives have ever been, or will ever be, on the SAT. They just sound like the kind of vocabulary words we used to be encouraged to study. Once again, all definitions are from 1. Cloistered-secluded from the world; sheltered Do you remember when we used to go out to places and do things? I hope to be able to resume that practice in the not too distant future. 2. Intractable-not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable; stubborn;